Overview of workshop offerings
01 Workshop
Introduction to spatial planning
We convey
the legal foundations
the tools of spatial planning
data-based spatial planning interest balancing
inward settlement development through effective densification
the concept of 10-minute neighborhoods
conflicts of objectives with densification, including due to townscape and heritage protection (especially ISOS), noise protection, or water protection
02 Workshop
Resilient spatial and real estate development
We support with
Instruments for spatial and real estate development
Inward settlement development through effective densification
Concept of 10-minute neighborhoods
03 Workshop
Influence of spatial planning on housing supply: options for improving spatial planning conditions
We convey
problems and causes of the lack of housing supply in cities
political and legal approaches to improving spatial planning conditions
04 Workshop
Potential influence of the real estate industry on spatial planning
We show
causes of planning and legal uncertainties in construction
innovative solutions for improving the spatial planning framework
05 Workshop
The concept of 10-minute neighborhoods
We convey
how sustainable neighborhoods are created
factors for successful ground floor uses, reducing car traffic, creating more green spaces, and curbing urban sprawl
the need for adjustments in cantonal structure plans and municipal land use planning
06 Workshop
Sustainable densification
with ISOS, monument protection, in the water area or with noise
We convey
the legal foundations
the planning foundations
planning processes
solutions for conflicts of objectives between densification and noise protection/monument protection/etc.